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20 Positive Quotes by Nigerians

A sweetheart read through my poems and quotes, and pointed out I do not promote quotes by Nigerians. "O-M-G! You are right!" I suddenly realized. So he offered to help with these quotes. :)

20 Positive Quotes by Nigerians

I love to read quotations. I’ll admit that I have a rather funny habit of keeping long lists of my favorites in my diary. I can't explain how few number of words keep my heart on.

So when Dr. Dee sent me these quotes, I was so happy. They speak of living with positivity and inspiration, which is what this blog centers upon.

Here we go. . . 

- 1- 
"Success that adds value to oneself alone but not to the society at large is failure in disguise." ~ Victor D.O.

- 2 - 
"Working together as a team helps build a cohesive organization." ~ Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

- 3 -
"Strong nations are built on SOLID HOMES not big houses." ~  Fela Durotoye

- 4 - 
"Great leaders do not break the law, not because of the fear of being caught but because of the fear of God and love for the land." 
~ Fela Durotoye

- 5 -
"You are blessed to be a blessing, You become a subject of disgrace whenever you stopped being blessing to others." 
~ Bishop Oyedepo

- 6 -
"You were not just blessed for yourself, you were blessed to be a blessing to others." 
~ Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

- 7 - 
"It is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice." 
~ Fela Durotoye

- 8 - 
"I hardly make mistakes not because I am close to being perfect but because I learn from people's mistakes." 
~ Victor D.O.

- 9 - 
"Aspirations without preparations will simply give you life full of frustrations. Develop yourself today!" 
~ Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

- 10 - 
"Be a solution provider and not a part of the problem to be solved."
 ~ Fela Durotoye

- 11 - 
"It is not bad per-se to make a mistake, what is  bad is to keep repeating the same mistake again and again." 
~ Victor D.O.

- 12 - 
"Christians are the light of the world – should be shining a light not being the salt of the earth which is only of use if its applied – so I think we should be doing more than we are doing now."  
~ Pastor E. A. Adeboye

- 13 - 
"No matter how yes-ter-day ended, say YES-TO-TODAY and give it your best shot!"
 ~ Fofo

- 14 - 
"Disobedience to the Almighty God is the most dangerous game to play."
 ~ Victor D.O.

- 15 -
"Pride gives you nothing but Humility gives you everything." 
 ~ Victor D.O.

- 16 -
"Praying without working, is playing without knowing." 
~ Bishop Oyedepo

- 17 -
"Today is a new day. Ensure you do the right thing so that you will not wish you could turn back the hands of the clock to live 'Today' again." 
~ Victor D.O

- 18 - 
"Only those who truly love and who are truly strong can sustain their lives as a dream. You dwell in your own enchantment. Life throws stones at you, but your love and your dream change those stones into the flowers of discovery. Even if you lose, or are defeated by things, your triumph will always be exemplary. And if no one knows it, then there are places that do. People like you enrich the dreams of the worlds, and it is dreams that create history. People like you are unknowing transformers of things, protected by your own fairy-tale, by love." 
~ Ben Okri

- 19 -
"Encourage someone today; your voice could make a difference." 
~ Victor D.O.

- 20 - 
"To those who are struggling. To talk about a struggle, you're likely to forget about it. To be shown a struggle, you're likely not to forget it. But, to live through a struggle, you'll understand it." 
~ Valerie Owens

- Extra - 
"If you like pray like a praying mantis or fast like a faxing machine, if you have no faith, you are just wasting your time and energy." 
~ Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

That's it. Interesting, right?

Credits to my friend, Dr. Dee. You can find him on Twitter @Diok1. He strongly believes in Nigeria and Nigerians.

I couldn't agree more when he said; "I like to see Nigerians being celebrated. It will be nice if Nigerians and people from all over the world can read and apply our quotes too."

Have you any favorite quote by a Nigerian (or your very own quote)? It will be cool to have you share some in the comment box too. :D

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Twitter: @Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . .giving out  the light.


Frank said...

I stopped believing in Nigeria even before I was born. lol. #Justkidding

lindaspears said...

"Be the lady who gets what she wants with her own money." by Lindaspears.

glowyshoe said...

i like no3 cos i believe in Nigeria...one day we shall see the light at the end of the tunnel..


Amole John said...

“Christian and Muslim, Southern and Northern, rich and poor, young and old, man and woman. We are all citizens of Nigeria. There is no dividing line among us that I care to honour. Either we advance as one or fail altogether.” President Buhari

Amole John said...

Hmmmmmm......when he gives you money nko? will you reject it? feminism

lindaspears said...

when he gives me money it comes my money #tongueout#

Amole John said...


Exxther said...

Lovely post dear! hope you have a beautiful week.

Obiri Yaw said...

9ja on point. Nice one. I've crammed #7 already . hehehehehe

Gloria Okaimam said...

Nice quotes. I love the ones by my Bishop....
Thanks for sharing prof.


Dele said...

Great read, thanks for sharing.

Amakamedia said...

Thank you for your comments and thank you for stopping by. You all rock! *hugs*

Amakamedia said...

Nice one, Sweetie! :)

Amakamedia said...

You had better be joking! *straight face*

Alabekee Ola said...

Amazing quotes

bolateethole.blogspot.com said...

Great quotes

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