• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


Sisterhood Award

Yayy! It's December already! I smell Christmas coming closer too. It is a time for celebration. *giggles* This is the season I have been waiting for. Lemme start with the nomination I got two months ago (I had long procrastinated it. I can be charmingly lazy). You know, I have been nominated for awards on many different occasions in my life. I used to think when you're been nominated for an award, you get a prize or something. Duh! On the blogososphere, the awards you get are series of questions for you to answer. Lol. It's a good thing tho.

Yep! I'm talking about the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. I'm so honoured to have been nominated by three beautiful sisters. I would have to thank Amaka (my lovely name-sakey) and dearest Sogie for the nomination. Thanks a bunch, sweeties!

This award is passed from sister blogger to sister blogger and there are just 4 conditions you have to meet when you accept it.

The Rules
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site. 
2. Put the award logo on your blog.
3. Answer their ten questions. 
4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees
5. Nominate 10 bloggers

Alrightie, #1 and #2 is a done deal. Let's go straight to #3: Answer their ten questions. Choi! Since I was nominated by two sisters, I'd have to kill two birds with a stone (the birds does not refer to Amaka and Sogie here o.... hehehe). Just being naughty. *winks* Sit back, relax and stay glued... lol.

Sogie was kind enough to ask:
 What's your dream and vision in life?
*Not what your parents want for you, or bcos of where you are now ,whats your dream? Nothing is too childish, everything is possible*.

Yipee! I already have a post about my dreams on Heart Rays. But lemme emphasize that my dream is to be a voice in your heart. Everyone speaks to the ears, only a few reaches to the heart. I want to be among that few. Read more about my dreams and the 5 things I'd love to do before I die. :)

Amaka's question was: Tell us about a part of you that you struggled with (maybe a habit, nose, shape, leg etc) and how you over came the fear......
the aim: to help ladies accept every part of their bodies and personalities (she decided to break the 10 questions norm, isn't that lovely?)

Funnily, I gave her my answers straight up. I commented on the post almost immediately. I struggled with my voice. I had always felt I sounded like the tele-tubbies (a cartoon character). I was shy, and afraid to share my views. And my class mates didn't help matters, they laughed and made jest. Some even mimicked me.*covers face* I overcame the fear by taking the very first step ever, to do a presentation in class in front of about 200 students. It was a compulsory presentation for GSP 101 (use of English 1). I was applauded; nobody remembered to laugh because I swept everyone (including my lecturer) off their feet. Ever since, I look forward to speaking in public.

*Takes a bow

I still consider myself a newbie on the blogosphere. I know only a few bloggers. However, I nominate my two beloved sisters:

And my question is: What are the memorable mistakes you have made in 2014? And what lessons can you share? (Only a sincere answer can reach to the heart)

Ah! Finally I accepted the nomination.

Compliments of the season!

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Twitter: @Amakamedia 
Email: amakamedia@gmail.com


Stella Dede said...

Sisterhood? FOR REAL? that sounds like a group of witchcraft or something. People just come up with names without a deep thought. sighs! I hate this honestly

bella gwen said...

Hi Amaka,

I’m so glad you accepted the Award and you well deserved it.

I didn't know that you were a shy person and even sounded as a teletubby. lol
What happened to your voice? What did you do to it that you now sound so sweet. I need tips

Erniesha Tibs said...

Hello mami, Congrats on your award....Would check this blog more often.


Ifesinachi said...

Originality on point! More power to ur elbows. Congratulations.

Anonymoses said...


Amakamedia said...

Haaa... Stella! It is not a witchcraft thingy o. The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award helps to bring all sisters (women) in the world of blogging who uplift, encourage, empower and inspire. I must say it is an honour to be niminated for this award. Please, have a rethink about the "hate" . Thanks for reading.

Amakamedia said...

Aww... Thanks Bella. It was unexpected to receive a nomination for such an award. Maybe my voice wasn't that bad. I thought it was.(I had let people define me) . I simply discovered myself; my voice. You need to discover yours too. You might like to read Steven Covey's tips on finding your voice here: http://www.stephencovey.com/blog/?p=16

Amakamedia said...

Thanks Ifex.. God's grace.

Amakamedia said...


bella gwen said...

Thank u soooo much Amaka. I appreciate.

Anonymoses said...

Now I'm not surprised @all... Congratulationx Dear. Now lets raise our glasses n cheer to this award!

Guest said...

Nice one

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