Thanks to the blogosphere. I have found some really good personalities, and one of them is Adenike Adebayo. She is so passionate about making a change. I actually stumbled on her blog and found the letter she wrote to her future self. I was moved. (Read it here). So she inspired me to write a letter to my future self too. A month after I drafted a rough, I finally decided to finish, edit and publish it. Ten years from now, I would read this letter to myself.
Dear Future Self
How are you? I do hope your sweet smiles are as radiant, your voice still as soft and subtle with your words still pleasant and blessed.
You are reading this letter because it is time to reflect on your life - dreams, visions and purpose. You need to bounce back and further. You might also need to keep to focus on the goals set before you.
Today, 16 August 2014, I write this letter being filled with so much love, hope and faith like never before. The purpose has been revealed. You are to live as a channel whose source is God with contents as Heart Rays. I believe the future can only be brighter, better and more beautiful.
You have always been excited about this you. You got to ask how Amakamedia will be a different entity from Amaka. Have you resolved it yet?
As Amaka, you were wondering whether to fall in love or fall with love. Funny you. You are most possibly happily married now. So how's hubby? *winks* Tell him I waited patiently for him and love him to the moon and back. Yes, the children, are they as shy as you were in their years? *grins* Tell them I prayed for them since before I met their dad. Have you obtained the Masters Degree yet? What did you eventually choose- English Language or Mass Communication? How about the big boys- Junior and Nnamdi? They should be big men now. Mum? Dad? Everybody?
You always say that you could not afford to be a mediocrity. You could not afford to be ordinary. You just could not afford to sit at a place. For your hope is built on the solid rock- Jesus. God's promises keep you on.
You saw yourself as one to be celebrated here on earth. A global icon. Your faith ever so strong. And you had friends who had so much faith in you. Do you still keep in touch?

As Amakamedia, you dream about travelling here to there to give presentations, to anchor programmes and to grace occasions. How many countries have you been to? When was the last time you were at Oshodi? How far with Heart Rays? Gone past BBM and Whatsap now? How large are your networks? You have got supporters who are more than fans now. Are you blessing many more? I know greatness comes with great responsibilities. The Lord is your source and strength. He will always upload you. God's got your back.
This is who you were. Now this is what you have become. You are the product of a dream come true. I am indeed proud of who you are. But do not get so carried away to forget who and whom you are. Do you still do the operation WWW (Wake up. Wait on. Wednesday's here)? Do not quench the Spirit. A channel must stay connected to its source to give out its contents. Stay connected!
There is yet a greater you. So never ever stop dreaming. Never lose faith. Just keep shinning on. I always love you.
Your Younger Self.
"For surely there is an end; and thy expectation will not be cut off." Prov. 23:18 (KJV)
Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu
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