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Top 10 Reasons why I Need an Android Phone

I laugh as I find myself typing this post.

Top 10 Reasons why I should get a New Phone

This morning as I prayed, I told God I didn't want a new phone but that I needed a phone. Yes o. I can tell Him anything.

So then, it occurred to me to list reasons why I need  to get a new phone. It feels like God asked me to prove to him why I needed a new phone. I didn't say He did, I said that it does feel like it. Or just maybe I need to convince myself.
I have got a lot to do on the internet and social media these days. The phone which I use presently isn't helping issues. Really.

Days to weeks and weeks to months, I had thought, prayed and thought it over again and again. I have never ever needed a phone badly as much as I do now. This moment, I crave for a new phone. An android phone.

Here are the top 10 reasons why I need an Android Phone:

  1. To glorify God.
  2. To share with my family and friends.
  3. To have all my media connections together.
  4. To have a good camera for good video productions.
  5. To have a good camera for good photographs.
  6. To have a medium of recording without my laptop.
  7. To be in-tune with the happenings around and surround. 
  8. To be able to multi-task on my online activities.
  9. To enjoy this journey.
  10. To achieve the dream of reaching out to the world. 
That's it. I do hope to get an Android phone soon. :)

Thanks for reading.

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Twitter: @Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . .giving out  the light.

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