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May Peace Fill Your Heart

Remember peace is a gift from God and we must learn to defend it relentlessly everyday. Bible tells us, “Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the Devil” (Ephesians 6:11). There are so many events on a daily basis that will try and steal your peace. Stay guarded!

Rays Of Peace

I believe in the power of words. As a copywriter, I have learned to decree a creative word for each new month. I find that doing this helps me work productively and live consciously, as everything tends to manifest towards the declaration of the Word—from creating content to dressing up to living the moment. I have seen the Word become flesh.

For instance, September was themed SEXtember. This is the month I understood 'sexy' as 'being attractive' and decided to be a sexy Woman for Christ. This is the month I bought a sexy jumpsuit. Lol. Then again, God called me His Butterfly. Awww . . . It's alright to say I rediscovered my feminine nature and power in Christ. Hallelujah!

October was themed WHOLEtober. And I saw God talking me through on a journey to wholeness. Only our communion with God can make us whole. Whenever we feel empty, broken or depressed, we may need to review/renew our love-relationship with God. I fell in love with God . . . and myself all over again. :)

November was themed NEWvember. And the month came with a lot of new experiences. Looking back, as I behold the new things God hath done, I'm filled with thanksgiving. The new friends I made and the new opportunities I got are amazing. Did I tell you I mounted a horse for the first time in my life? Yay. 

Gosh, I'm so in love with this picture. It's so dreamy. 

This December, all I hear in my spirit is peace. Peace. Peace.

I don't know about you. But there is a lot going on in my life that bother me. An inner calm is desperately needed to dominate my heart.

So when God says this is a month to have our heart, our mind, our homes, our lives filled with the peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:17), I couldn't be excited enough.

God promises peace within—despite the tempest raging without. No one will be able to fathom that peace. It will remain a mystery how we can be so serene (cool, calm and collected) in the midst of turmoil.

Happy PEACEember, sweeties!
May every moment in this new month multiply the rays of peace in your heart. Love you. Hugs.

Peace be still in every storm troubling my heart today in the name of Jesus. Amen!

What's your Word for the month?

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Connect on Instagram: @amakamedia
And Bloglovin: Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . . giving light.

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