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Dear Diary, It's 14 Days To My Birthday!

I am not quite sure why I feel like this is my 30th birthday. Could it because I'm now nearer to 30 than I am farther from 20?

Counting Down 

I love birthdays.

Usually on my birthday each year, I reflect on where I’ve been and where I want to be in the year to come. But I think part of the gift of getting older is learning to celebrate where we are right now, who we’re traveling with, and how far we’ve come. The beauty is in this moment.

And in this moment, I’m feeling beyond divinely blessed. My first thought is that I feel so blessed to be alive. That’s a cliché but it’s a genuine feeling for me today.

In this moment, I’m surrounded by love in my life at every turn, and I’m thankful for it every minute of every day.

This past year since my last birthday, has been a poignant one, filled with both the joy of accomplishment and celebration, and the sorrow of losses and trying times. I suppose every year is like that for all of us, if we really stop to look at it. But I am grateful for it all, because I wouldn’t be who I am at this moment without every morsel of it.

I am proud of the woman I have become . . . . and am becoming. She is strong. She is beautiful. She is loved. 

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Thank God for freedom. Life constantly gives us opportunities to choose – who we want to be, how we want to live, what we want our legacy to be, because the more birthdays that pass, the fewer that lie ahead. (Picked you right up there, didn’t I!!!)

Something good about birthdays is that one starts making peace with imperfection. I want to be better in the areas that need improvement, but I’m more and more aware about the role that imperfection plays in life. Imperfection comes in all forms and shapes, and some of them are blessings. One of the most imperfectly perfect things about me are my brown teeth but I smile regardless.

I am just grateful mehn. God has been good!!!

Now, let's assume someone wants to get me something for my birthday. What do I want? I'd like;

  1. A fun trip. (I want to see the world!)
  2. A digital camera. (Having sharper and clearer pictures would spice things up a bit) 
  3. A mac
  4. Some hair extensions. (Sometimes a babe wants to SLAY without her natural hair)
  5. A shopping date. (Who wouldn't want this?!)
  6. A handbag. (Mum is tired of me borrowing hers. Lol) 
  7. A book. (Can't get enough of books. Anyone on marriage would be great!)
  8. Every good thing you think I deserve. 
  9. Above all, I'd really like to be totally surprised. Yes, baby blow me away!!! 😊

Thank you for being a part of my life. Love you.

P. S Here's wishing everyone born in this beautiful month of June a Happy Birthday. And a special shout out to Johnero who happens to be celebrating his birthday today. God bless you, padi mi!

How would you celebrate a perfect birthday? Ideas in the comment box, please.

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Let's connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
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Heart Rays . . . giving light.

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