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Before It Is Stolen Again

My friends and I at an Amplify Network hangout were discussing our testimonies and struggles when one of us mentioned being physically attacked by demons. It made me cringe.

I think we give the devil too much credit when we talk about him or refer to him at every negative incident. Can we ignore him or give him the backseat?

Not Being Ignorant Of The Devices

The devil is not a joke. I believe the devil and his demons are super real. I believe the devil and the demons are powerful. I believe the devil and his demons are evil and full of wickedness. I believe they steal, they kill, and they destroy. However, I do not believe they win every battle.

My Bible tells me they are eternal losers. They've been losing back in the days until now. And they can't never stop losing.

The devil will do all he can to bring defeat into our lives. He is constantly battling for the soul of the sinner and for the life of the saint. The devil’s work is to deceive human beings. He has many subtle devices and many cunning ways by which he does the job. We must take seriously the advice of the Apostle Paul when he says in 2 Corinthians 2:11 that we are not to be ignorant of his devices.

My Bible tells me things like, "light shined in darkness and darkness does not comprehend it". It also tells me "do not be ignorant of the devices of the devil".

I don't know the tricks and schemes he uses on you to make you stumble and fall - maybe he paints lies as truth for you, maybe he sows unforgiveness and bitterness in your heart, maybe he makes you lust after the opposite sex. What I do know is that he studies you for months and years on end to know your weakest points and ascertain how you can easily get distracted to make you fall off the path ordained for you. You must know his cunning ways. You must know his plans.

All of us find that living the authentic Christian life involves an ongoing warfare. But God has provided spiritual Armor to protect us, and he has placed in our hands a sword—the Word of God—to help us conquer and overcome evil. We read about the Armor in Ephesians 6:10-18.

The Armor includes:
  • A belt of truth (it always pays to be truthful)
  • a breastplate of righteousness (the ability to do the right thing at the right time)
  • and a shield of faith (the willingness to trust and believe that what God says is true even when nothing seems to be working). 
  • In addition, He gives the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.

On the Christian journey we continuously battle against powerful evil forces headed by the devil. To withstand his attacks, we must depend on God’s strength and use every piece of armor which is provided.

I've been slacking. I've been sleeping. I've been tired. I've been pressed. I've been beaten. But, praise the Lord, I have not surrendered. I rise again because I have this knowledge now.

I am no longer ignorant of a particular device of the devil. Hallelujah!

Happy New Week!
Put on the full Armor to battle every challenge "they" throw at you. Stay armed. You will win! Amen!

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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Heart Rays . . . giving light.

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