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One Important Thing To Do When You Are Broke

Hi sweeties! I ran out of data again. *covers face* I'm broke mehn. I felt led to put up this post. Are you currently broke? Then this is for you.

What To Do When You Are Broke


No. I am not going to tell you to pray. You already know you should. However, I want to tell you what I am practically doing to stay positive and inspired in such a time as this.

First of all, what does it mean to be broke?

According to Merriem-Webster Dictionary; To be broke means "to have no money". NO MONEY.

Are you broke? 
Are you struggling to pay your bills?
Are you looking at your ATM card and crying?
Are you depressed about your account balance? 
Are you wondering when your next income would be?
Are you tired of borrowing/begging to survive? 

There is ONE thing you can do.

Nobody wants to be broke. It’s stressful, and uncomfortable. It's also embarrasing and demeaning! But what can we do? There are some things outside we can't control, and there are some things whithin we can control.

We can control what we think.

Related Post: When Plans Fail


You can't afford to lose focus at this time.

Keep your eyes on your goal, your dream, your purpose.

Keep reminding yourself about where you are going. Keep track of your journey. Cheer yourself up by dwelling on how far you’ve come already.

Keep a positive attitude. Be thankful for what you have today, so you can actually see some progress.

Related Post: Hang In There

This morning, while I was fighting to stay focused on my goals, I got a text from a friend, Sir John.

". . . Favour will locate you . . . you will command and control money. . .  Remain blessed."


He had no idea I was struggling. I just looked up and smiled. (God knows about my situation right now).

Being broke is a temporary situation.

Always remember it’s not about where you’re at the moment . . . it’s about where you’re going.

Keep your eyes fixed on your dreams and goals. You will get there.

P.S Couldn't upload image. Restricted data.

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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