• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


Jesus' Breast

The word "breast" has been appearing on me frequently for some days now. I guess it's because the month of October is stated to be the world's Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Lean on Jesus' Breast

I am so sure the title of this post got you wondering. Lol. Me too. I have not gotten over my latest discovery from the Bible. I'm awed by the revelation.

Mehn, I had wanted to write about breast cancer. I planned to participate in creating awareness on breast cancer. I intended to contribute a quota of love to those who are struggling with cancer and those who have lost a dear one to cancer. I tweeted about it.

I wanted to blog about it too. I thought this article will be that article but something else happened. Something changed the direction of my thoughts. I found breast in the Bible. The breast of Jesus. My God!

I found it in John 13: 23 (WEB translation),
One of his disciples, the one whom Jesus kept loving, resting his head on Jesus' breast.
The verse hits me hard. I mean, really hard. I'm currently pondering on it deeply. So I'd like to highlight two key points from this verse with you today. The best Monday inspirational reviews are those I write when it is still fresh in my heart. (we might talk about cancer another day).

For now, this is the light that sheds on my way . . . :)

  • The Disciple Jesus Kept Loving
We all know that Jesus loves everyone. We all know that His love passes all understanding when He chose to die for the salvation of the world. But the truth is, He doesn't keep loving everyone. It is not everyone that satisfy the requirement to maintain Jesus' compassion and affection. It is not everyone that stay in love with Jesus. It is not everyone that can be so close to lean on Jesus' breast.

John rested his head on Jesus' breast. I bet he could hear Jesus heartbeat right there!

Over again and again, the phrase "Jesus kept loving" rang in my heart. (I hear it even as I write now.) I started to think about what was so special about John. Jesus loved that guy more than He loved the other disciples. Why would Jesus love him more than others? Why?

I dunno exactly why yet. However, I discovered John was a man of humility, a man of passion, a man with deep hunger for the Word of God. It was John who wrote the book of Revelation. John saw what others could not see! You can imagine the kind of heart he had . . . a heart after God.

I am now asking myself; Do I seek Jesus enough to love me that much?

I was gisting with a friend the other day, I asked her how she falls in love. She went like "I don't just go looking for a guy to fall in love with. The guy has to love me first. When I find a guy who loves me, I start to check if he's right and then, maybe I could love him back". I'm not even bothered about how right her principles are. I'm only concerned about how this also works with God.

We have to show Him that we care and we'll find ourselves loving Him More.

  • The Disciple got so close that he leans on Jesus' breast
Hmm! I pray to be as close as John was o! John was not known by his ability, but he was known as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” John went deeper and further in a cultivated relationship with God. He was never satisfied just to be a disciple. He wanted more. Something more than religion, doctrines and laws. He wanted a relationship.

It is beautiful to understand that because Jesus loves John, He gave him access. Those who are loved by God hears His heart beat. When God loves you, He draws you closer than anyone else. You become different. You are treated with special care. When others are failing somewhere, He makes it a success for you. Where others are struggling, He make it easy for you. Just because . . . He loves you.

When God loves you, you don't have to stress about your challenges, struggles and trials. All you need to do is to just keep loving Him. Keep loving Him enough so that He'll draw you close to His breast.

A song says, when we walk with the Lord, In the Light of His word. What a GLORY He'll shed on our way! 

See, when God gives you access to Him, you can know what others do not know. That knowledge will distinguish you from your colleagues. It will make you do better and achieve greater results. It will give you grace to live life filled with positivity, inspiration and love.

Weeks back, I told you that God is set to teach me to be patient. This is one of the lessons. I'm learning to lean on Jesus. The bible says John leaned. HE LEANED ON JESUS. He leaned on the source of rest and strength. He leaned on power and thoughts. He leaned on the heart of Christ - the place where true treasure lies. He leaned. He rested there.

I want to be close to the heart of Jesus like that. I want to hear His voice and whispers. I want to feel the warmth of His embrace. Oh, I just want to be referred to as "Amaka, the one whom Jesus loves." 

Sweeties, we need to learn how to lean on Jesus. We need to spend time with Him to know what He is thinking about. We should read the word of God and spend quality time in prayer. Dwell in His presence so that He can make known unto you the hidden secrets of the Kingdom. I urge you to let Jesus keep loving you enough. Lean on Him. Lean on Him for wisdom, favour and solutions. He's got all you ever need.

Finally, there are those who love God. And there are those who God loves. Which category would you rather be?

Happy New Week!
Stay inspired.

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Follow on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Email: amakamedia@yahoo.com
Bloglovin: Amakamedia

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