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DIARY: Happy Birthday, Frances!

Today, I celebrate the life of a sister and friend.

Frances Okoro


OK. Wait. What should I say?

It's funny how the birthday of a dear one makes me blush. Lol.

I could quietly wish you a happy birthday, but I decided to make it public because your name is written in my diary. Obviously.

Before I start crying like the way I do each time I cut onions, lemme say a prayer to our Father for you.

My prayer for you:

Father, today is Frances' birthday. Thank You for her life. Thank You for bringing her thus far. Give her boldness and let her feel ready for the year ahead knowing that You have an order to her steps and a purpose for her life. Help her to find joy in every circumstance in life, knowing that You work all things out for good. Surround her with grace to be and do as you please. Father, I thank You for loving Frances so unconditionally, and for the promises You have spoken over her life.

Father, she says her children's name would be David (son) and Deborah (daughter), make it happen for her. She also says she wants an Ephesians 5 man, prepare one of your sons and bring him to her, Lord.

In Jesus name. Amen.

(I'm supposed to write a short story about how we met here, but I am too emotional to put my words together right now. Maybe later. Just maybe.)

Our friendship is less than a year, but your impact has been massive. You've been a blessing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Today, I'm thankful to God for you in my life. I'm thankful for God's MERCY upon the woman you were. I'm thankful for God's GRACE upon the woman you are. And I'm thankful for God's PROMISES upon the woman you will become.

Frances, may God bless and keep you. May His light continue to shine on you.
I love you.
Happy Birthday!

Hey sweeties, please say a prayer and send your wishes to this wonderful human being for me, as a gift to bless her day. Thanks. 

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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