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Do You Believe In Marriage At First Sight? (Interview)

For weeks, I battled with myself whether to bring The MACH Show onto Heart Rays. I didn't want to mix both forms of content but it dawned on me that if I don't share what I've been up to lately, then my status as a Lifestyle Blogger would probably be questionable. Lol. Lately, I have been expressing myself more on YouTube. So, if you are not subscribed to PerfectMachForeverTV, you just might be missing something.

Anyway, I have decided to try as much as possible to share highlights from each episode of The MACH Show as being led. I trust that it would bless you. Here is the second episode:

Married At First Sight

----- Introduction ----

Presenter (Me): Hi guys. This is PerfectMachForeverTV. Welcome again to our channel. Today, we have this fascinating couple here to tell us about their journey. . . we'll get to know them and then have some fun! (Everyone smiles)

Presenter (Me): *looks toward the couple* Thank you so much for having us. Let's meet you both.

Nnanna (Husband): Hello Everyone. My name is Nnanna. And that's my wife, *points at her* Irene.

Irene (Wife): *blushes* Irene.

Nnanna (Husband): We are the Inyamah Family.

--- Love Story ---

Presenter (me): Nice to meet you both. How long have you both been married?

Nnanna (Husband): We've been married for about two years now.

Irene (Wife): *smiles*

Presenter (me): How long did you court?

Nnanna (Husband): We didn't court. *laughs*

Presenter (me): Wow. Really?

Nnanna (Husband): Yes. We met on September 4th. That's a Tuesday by the way.

Irene (Wife): He remembers everything.

Nnanna (Husband): Days after we met; by Sunday, the 10th of September, I told my parents I'd found my wife. By October 1st, I engaged her.

Presenter (me): Wow. *directed at the audience* Guys, you really don't have to court for years before you get married. This is an example of people who get married just by a meeting.

Irene and Nnanna (chorused): True.

Presenter (me): When was your first kiss?

Nnanna (Husband): That was the next day.

Presenter (me): What?

(Everyone on set bursted out laughing)

Irene (Wife): Oh my God! You just embarrassed us *laughs*

Nnanna (Husband): Yes na. That was the next day.

Irene (Wife): Was it the next day? We went to Bungalows.

Nnanna (Husband): Yes. It was the next day. I was being cautious but you threw the punch.

Presenter (me): *laughs* She threw caution into the wind, right?

Irene (Wife): *laughs*

Nnanna (Husband): We met on Tuesday, September 4th. The next day we went for marital checks. . . we both knew we loved ourselves.

Presenter (me): Just like that?!

----- On Living Married ------

Presenter (me):  How do you keep romance alive?

Irene (Wife): OK. . . *looks at the husband* Do you want me to talk?

Nnanna (Husband): Sure. Go ahead.

Irene (Wife):

Presenter (me): Hmm. . .

Nnanna (Husband):

Nnanna (Husband):

Irene (Wife): I tell people

Irene (Wife):

Irene (Wife):

Presenter (me): You know the other room. *winks* If you don't know what we are talking about, go get married. *grins*

----- On Being Newlyweds ------

Presenter (me):  What's the worst advice you've received as a couple?

Nnanna (Husband): Erm, I don't think I have any.

Irene (Wife): I do.

Nnanna (Husband): OK. I think you should go first.

Irene (Wife): The worst advice I received was from a lady who said, 'don't tell your husband everything'. She was talking from an angle where she had done family planning without the husband knowing about it.

Presenter (me): Wow. That's gross.

Irene (Wife): And I tell people, "don't tell married people what to do. Allow them discover themselves by themselves."

Presenter (me): Hmm. . . Interesting. I was going to tell you to give an advice to singles out there but what you just said now, is topnotch.

Irene (Wife): *nods*

Presenter (me): *points at Nnanna* Since you couldn't tell us your worst advice, tell us your best.

Nnanna (Husband): The best advice I've ever received was from my dad. He told me never to shout at my wife. . . I was told that a woman isn't someone you can learn completely

Presenter (me): Irene, has he ever shouted at you?

Irene (Wife): He has! *laughs*

Presenter (me): What are your petnames? What do you call him when you are angry.

Nnanna (Husband): Funny I don't have an angry pet name for you. *stares at her with love*

Irene (Wife): I call him Nnanna when I'm angry. But he calls me 'baby' even when he's angry.

Presenter (me): Aw.


Presenter (me): Is Marriage hard or easy?

Nnanna (Husband):

Irene (Wife): It's easy. It's very easy.

Nnanna (Husband): For the sake of those watching us, I won't say it's easy - so that people do not get into marriage and think it's all rosy.

Irene (Wife): True. Marriage is a lot of work.

Irene (Wife): When I say easy, I actually meant marrying your friend makes it easy. It's easy that way. No matter what the circumstance is, you can still make it work.

------ conflict resolution ------

Presenter (me): How do you settle conflict?

Nnanna (Husband): We talk about it

Irene (Wife): Yeah. We talk about it.

Presenter (me): Amazing.

Irene (Wife): Initially, before I started to understand him . . .

Presenter (me): You snub him?

Irene (Wife): No. I don't. I rant. *laughs* But now, we talk about it immediately. We don't have to let it linger.


Presenter (me): So, the best thing is to settle the issue immediately. Yeah?

Presenter (me): This is the MACH Show. We've been with Irene and Nnanna. We just had the gist segment. We'll be right back!

Watch the rest of the show on YouTube/below:

So, do you believe in love at first sight?

Have a great day.

Stay inspired.
Stay positive.
Stay safe.

P.s When I’m not here, I’m on YouTube

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And Bloglovin: Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . . giving light

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