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2015, How Far?

It's the last Sunday and day in the month of May!!! Happy Sunday, Sweethearts! How are you? I mean, how far?! You know I appreciate you. Right? I want to say THANK YOU for visiting my blog and THANK YOU for leaving your comments too. You, yes you make blogging fun!

2015, How Far?

God has been faithful. I can say that for sure! Being alive is a testimony. For when there is life, there is hope. 

Mehn, the month of May ends today. How has the year been for you so far? Got testimonies? Let's have you post whatever you like in the comment box below. Anything that's laid in your heart. Testimonies, questions, tips, lessons. . . anything.

Just share some rays. :)


  1. God has been faithful to me and my family. I give him all the glory!!!!

  2. I only ate eba and soup yesterday and that alone can't warrant a purge.
    Something occured to me while I sat trying to get my strength. I couldn't help but imagine what women go through in the labour room.

    I thank God for my life, for saving me, though it sounds funny, it wasn't funny.

  3. Lol. I can imagine. Thank God for your life, Kaycee!

  4. Where do I start from. My testimonies are many. God is SO good! I love him so much and praise be to His holy name.

    Happy Sunday, Amaka!

  5. I want to thank God for good health, protection and blessing my family beyond our imagination. Thank you Jesus and may all our testimonies be permanent .Amen

  6. My life is enough testimony, I thank God for good health and favor.

  7. God has been awesome for the second part of this year....i got promoted at work,got my car, got engaged n now im getting married in less than 3 weeks. I am grateful Lord

  8. God has been good...i pray his mercies keeps coming all through....amaka how you


  9. This month has been wonderful.Favours here and there.People have been going out of their way to make me happy.
    The way make I take fine these days self I con dey wonder.The beauty of God is so radiating in me.My sister self con dey jealous small small.lol
    God I see your hand in this.To think I have had no course to take any drugs this month.Me that I can fall sick.
    Lord I thank you for sound health,for taking away that headache from me,for saving me from that accident.For my job,my family and sound health.
    I serve a living God who is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him

  10. I have a question sha. How is Mr. Jerry? lol.

  11. Than God for you ooo. I tap into your testimony!

  12. It's been a month of diverse blessings. O yes God is faithful.


  13. God has kept me alive,hale and hearty.despite the fact that things are rough,being alive is deeply gratifying for me.am thankful and hopeful cos things can only get better.

  14. The year has been packed for me. So many lessons and blessings. God has indeed been faithful.

  15. Lol. Jerry is fine. Thanks. *blushes*

  16. bolateethole.blogspot.comMonday 1 June 2015 at 23:54:00 GMT

    God is faithful, awesome May it was, sure June has a special package for me.


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