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Walking on Water

*teary eyes* I don't know what to say to you - my friends and family. You are so dear to my heart. You are just the best ever.  THANK YOU for your encouraging comments, emails, texts, and calls as regards to the scary choice I made. For having my back, God bless you!

Walking On Water

When one of my closest pals asked me; "Amaka, how do you feel now?" "Tell me exactly how you feel?" I said, "Mehn, I feel like Peter who was told to walk on water o. Tough thing!"

It dawned on me that I am now indeed out of the boat to walk on water. I have stepped out of my comfort zone to go into a place I've never been before. To walk on water means to focus totally on God. It means to trust in God to take you to your promise land. It means to obey the voice of God.

We all know the story in Matthew 14:22-33 where Peter saw Jesus coming towards the ship, walking on the water, he said, “Lord, if it is really you, oya tell me to come and meet you on the water.” Jesus answered him, “Come na.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, going to Jesus. When he obeyed the Voice that told him to come, he was given power to walk on the water. It takes faith and obedience to walk on water. Don't forget that there has to be a stepping out before the deal.

Walking on water is doing the impossible.
So long as Peter depended on God, he walked on water. When Peter stopped depending on God, and tried to do it under  his own power, He sank. You have to take courage knowing that God has your back. Everything is possible to those who have faith.

Faith is stupid. It can make you sacrifice a wonderful job in a successful company for a dream job in a company you do not know exists or not. - Amakamedia

Yels o! I spoke with my mentor yesterday. Oh, what an honour to have such a man as a mentor. He shook my hands and said, "congratulations! You have proven your faith for God to the impossible in your life." He said, to accomplish seemingly impossible goals, you'll have to take pretty outrageous (if not seemingly foolish) actions. Well, I agree. Don't you?

I took it as a joke when I said it was time to increase in the rays of faith here. But now, it is becoming a reality. I am growing in faith. I am saying "Yes, Lord I come."

For I do not only want to walk on water, but I also want to be able to dance and jump on it.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean in your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-6

Do you trust God enough to do the impossible? Is your dream worth the price you have to pay?

Photo source: Google
Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Twitter: @Amakamedia
Email: amakamedia@yahoo.com

Heart Rays . . .giving out  the light.


  1. Awwwwwwwww Amaka, you are sych an inspiration! Than you sooooooo much!

  2. Faith is a strong belief in God and trust that He will do what He said. Without faith it’s impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Be unto you according to your faith, my sister and friend! Thanks for sharing this insight.

  3. I envy your faith. I love that you continue to challenge people to do what they have believed to be impossible. Keep it up!

  4. Very inspirational. I always say faith is doing the impossible.

  5. I also what to say I love your blog. It feels so real and true. Nice.

  6. The just shall live by faith. No other option. We either have faith or die!

    Thanks you, Kaycee. :)

  7. Lol @envy. Abraham was a man of faith. Being his seeds, we should have faith like him. ~ Abrahamic faith~ I'm growing in it. So can you.

  8. With God, we can do anything. Thanks padi <3

  9. did you quit your job for real? Wow! Thank you for sharing this post. I have been in a job 15 years that I dread going to often because of the financial work I have to do, that I don’t like. It takes so much time and I’d rather do more creative things. I have to more more work with less help and no time to focus on other tasks. Thank you. I have a bit of courage to step out now!

  10. LORD GOD! Thank you! I am now thinking of something to give up for YOU.

  11. Lovely article. Many never ‘walk on water’ because they are letting fear and unbelief stop them from obeying Christ’s call. They are looking to the flesh – taking stock of their strengths, weaknesses, abilities and limitations – and not looking to Christ. Or they are looking at the difficulty of their circumstances. Either way, they are not looking to Christ. Faith is simply looking unto Christ.

    Let me also join your mentor to say, congratulations!

  12. Lord, increase my faith in thee...

  13. Beautifully said, Amaka. It’s all about courage! I have so much respect for you. The Lord will see you through.

  14. Hmmm, so much inspiration this morning...thank God I read this.


  15. These encouragement you give yourself is way bigger than any we can give you and I love you more for that. Just keep believing. Nice!

  16. someone once told me, faith is when you do something crazy to the world.....Amaka, m sure will be fine, there is nothing wrong in trying to chase your dreams.


  17. Don't I just love you. God is a keeper of His words so I have no doubt he'll prove Himself to you. Thanks for these words of life.

    Molola's Blog

  18. bolateethole.blogspot.comMonday 13 April 2015 at 23:20:00 GMT

    Babes I love your spirit, your zeal, your love for God. Can we be friendship?

  19. This post was really nice dose of reality.
    Thanks for sharing!!

  20. I love this post!! You are full of wisdom, may God grant you the perfected desire of your heart as you seek His perfect will.

  21. I am so happy I came across your blog. I admire your attitude towards life issues...lol. You have a good outlook on your situation

    Nice to meet you....on blogger...lol


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