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RELATIONSHIP: Use Two Words To Save Your Relationship

Hi! It's Love-Wednesday! Love-Wednesday has lasted for more than 6 months already. And it's not going to stop today. We must keep improving on our relationships - with God, with friends and with family.

5 Creative Ways To Say "Thank You"

Many problems in relationships are as a result of being taken for granted. After being together for a while, we don't see the need to appreciate our friends and family. If you and your partner have fallen into this trap, it’s time to focus on appreciating each other more.

Expressing appreciation for your partner is a way to counteract the negative effects of conflict, and has a huge impact on how you view your relationship as a whole.

To appreciate your partner requires two words - THANK YOU

Read: Just Say "Thank You"

But some things demand a little something extra because of the magnitude of the favour or the depth of appreciation involved. Sometimes you have to be a little more creative than just saying "thank you".

Here are 5 creative ways to say thank you that your friends and family will remember and cherish!

  • Write A Letter
People don't write letters these days. You can show how grateful you are by writing a letter. It shows they are special to you and are worth the effort. Don't  write a long one though. That you took the time to put pen to paper and express your gratitude is enough! I honestly appreciate handwritten letters more than text messages. How about you?

  • Write A Poem
Not everybody appreciates poem. Find out if your friend does. If they do, write them their favourite kind of poetry. They'd love it. Write a simple poem that expresses why they deserve your thanks . . . and why you’re glad to give it! Please, don't copy and paste from Google. If you are not good at writing poems, it's not by force. Leave it. If you try to "copy and paste" for someone like me, you'll get a scowl. *straight face*

  • Buy A Gift
If you’re struggling to communicate with your partner, or you’re worried that words aren’t your strong suit to say ‘thank you’ for something they’ve done for you, or just for being wonderful. Buy them a gift. You know what they have on their wishlist, buy one, or two, or five things there!

Read: What My Wishlist Looks Like

  • Cook Dinner
Funnily, this point is for me. I have not been very nice in the kitchen lately. I want to repent. I'd be surprising everyone with a special dinner before next weekend (I know my brother is reading and smiling now. Lol) Making something yourself is a fun and delightful way to say thank you to someone. Create a sampling of baked cake or fruit salad and decorate them with a simple message. Attach a thank-you note or label and surprise those special people with the gift of your time and creativity. Can we make it happen? 

  • Use Social Media
If someone’s done something you think the whole world should know about, use your blog, Facebook, Google+, Instagram or your Twitter account to spread the word. See how I creatively thanked my mum for the dress she gave me here, my brother for his support here and my friends for their Christmas gifts here. Make it go viral. They will be very honoured by this gesture.

I believe one of the greatest words you can say that can save a relationship is "thank you". Don’t let these words come out of your mouth begrudgingly but creatively. Say them easily, naturally, and with emotions.

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." 
~ John F. Kennedy

"Thank you" changes people and relationships. Every day is filled with wonderful opportunities to tell the special person in your life, how grateful you are to have them in your life.

How do you like to be appreciated? What is the best "thank you" expression you've ever given? 

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Follow me on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Follow me on Instagram: @amakamedia
Email: amakamedia@yahoo.com
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