• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


Celebrating My Journey To Motherhood

My draft disappeared shortly before this post and now, I am not in a calm state of mind to write anything “inspirational”. Yeah. This is because I am too joyful to write.

Happy Birthday To Me

If you’ve been a follower of my writings, then you’ll know I draw from my feelings. My emotions. My heart. However, right now I want to be out FEELING MY FEELINGS. 

It’s not so easy to write when I’m happy. Neither because I have less feelings or feelings about those feelings, nor because my happy feelings are any less worthy of being written about than my heartbreaking feelings, but simply because being happy makes me want to go out and scream than sit down to reflect.

I don’t want to talk; I want to do. I don’t want to reflect; I want to be. So it’s harder, much harder, to write today. 


A Totally Different June (Or Journey?) In My Life

It's been a minute since I last blogged in real time. I took an intentional break in updating my public diary because I was concerting a lot of spiritual and physical energy in other areas of my life. A lot has happened in the past few months, scratch that, in the past one year, I mean, was it not like yesterday when I celebrated my 30th Birthday?

Happy June

I am a proud June baby. And I glow differently in June. Those born in June or have loved ones born in June can testify to this glow. Cheers to all the June babies out there! We are the coolest ones. The way they say C-o-o-l is the same way we say J-u-n-e. Yeah, we are cool like that. 

This is an official welcome to the second half of the year! Let’s just say we spent the first half of the year sowing to reap a bountiful harvest into the second half of the year. Wait! What am I even saying? Lol. Amaka! June is the 6th month of the year!
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