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Dear Diary, There Was A Boy . . .

I wouldn't say I didn't see him coming. I sure did. And I let him in. 

There Was A Boy

This guy came into my life roaring like a hurricane, sending me late-night texts, proclaiming his adoration for me, even though I had only hung out with him in a group setting. I was a girl who he had only interacted with through general chats.

Gradually, we got talking.

Suddenly, I liked him.

He liked me too.

Normally, this kind of sudden interest don't set off alarms in me, but he wasn't a normal guy. He was smart. He was a self-proclaimed, proud feminist man. He often boasted about games, being pro-choice; he had no many female friends. This guy was that!

He was what I wanted.

The guy who has me as his only girlfriend.

We spent the next two months texting and calling nightly, often until 12 mid-night when I had to pray. Sometimes, we continued talking after my prayer time.

He was quite interesting.

He gave me detailed specifics and reasons why I was the most incredible, the most beautiful, the funniest, the smartest, the best girl, the sexiest. Who wouldn’t want to hear that? Even the most secure woman can become intoxicated by certain words and sentiments when they’re that calculated.

He knew exactly where to hit me. I bought everything he sold me.

We never hung out. Thinking about it now, that was weird. We lived just a few miles away from each other, but I just assumed it was because he was so busy with his career. He claimed not be an out-door kind of person. I trusted him, and I wasn’t looking for a relationship anyway, but whatever happened with him did feel nice.


He was just a boy . . .

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu
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